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Everybody Loves Great Cheese!

Our family loves cheese and we love it to be raised by local farmers, with cows on non-GMO pastures and using only simple ingredients (no junk).

That's why we choose to partner with Country View Creamery.  

Our farm sources non-GMO animal feed supplements from the Zimmerman family who operates a small family farm near Pure Pastures. The Zimmerman's also produce non-GMO Pasture-Raised Whole Milk products. 

When we learned that they have lots of their family produced milk turned into delicious cheese products by a local community supported creamery we had to add it to our family table. After enjoying it for some time we decided to offer it to our customers as well.

Country View Creamery sources their milk from local dairy farm families who care about the well-being of their cows! All their producer farms are small with less than 50 cows in the herds and all are run entirely by family members.

All forages grown on the farms are Non-GMO, and the cows enjoy access to plenty of pasture. We are strong believers in the health benefits of local whole milk products. All these cheeses are all produced with whole milk, just as the cow makes it.

The end result is locally made cheese fresh from local farms to your table.

Country View Creamery